Tips & tricks for going back to school without stress
Summer is coming to an end and school time is fast approaching… Here a some tips to help you better live the moment with your family!
1) Make a budget
In the frenzy of the back to school deals, it is easy to lose control on your purchases! It is important to establish the limits of your budget before you start. You can browse the circulars in order to find the best prices and make a list of the supplies of the past year that your child can reuse. This avoids impulsive spending, unnecessary purchases… and regrets!
2) Establish a schedule
Changer la routine progressivement, c’est la clé! On peut bien sûr devancer l’heure du dodo de quelques minutes chaque jour, mais également les autres éléments comme l’heure du bain, des repas et collations. C’est aussi le moment d’aborder le sujet de la rentrée avec votre enfant : is he happy to go back to school? Nervous? Begin the chat!
3) Reorganize your home
It is not necessary to initiate large renovation projects! Just a space dedicated to homework and lessons can make all the difference. Make sure that the lighting is adequate, the room is isolated from the TV and other distractions, and that the child will have the equipment at his disposal to work effectively.
4) Plan your things in advance
Such a good habit to take! Prepare lunches the night before and get clothes out for the next day. To avoid the hubbub of the morning when your child can’t find his favorite cap, or your teenager has suddenly « no clothes to wear;»…
5) Get out!
It’s that simple. Nothing better to give you a dose of energy and calm! Short on time? You can also reduce the period of crashing in front of the TV, computer or video games.
It is also the ideal time to renew your child’s Pure Hazelwood necklace or bracelet (and yours too)! No risk of forgetting to what date he began to wear it. Our necklaces and bracelets are available in several sizes and styles to please all tastes.
Have a great return to school!
- http://www.zen-et-organisee.com/pages/10_conseils_pour_bien_preparer_la_rentree_-5594038.html
- http://www.canalvie.com/famille/vie-de-famille/defis-de-parents/rentree-scolaire-2016-des-idees-pour-contrer-le-stress-1.1434504
- http://www.canalvie.com/famille/vie-de-famille/defis-de-parents/rentree-scolaire-2016-astuces-pour-bien-l-organiser-1.958794