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Reviews And Testimonials

Based on 1886 reviews

Merci pour vos bracelets. Je les porte depuis 8 ans pour arthrose à 3 doigts de la main gauche et je n'ai plu de douleurs depuis. J'ai eu beaucoup de misère à les trouver dans les pharmacies. Encore un gros MERCI.

Lovely & great for small wrist

So pretty & delicate.

vraiment beau

Je suis toujours satisfaite de vos produits

Menopause necklace and bracelet set

This was I believe the second time I ordered from this site. This time I ordered the menopause necklace and bracelet set. They were running a buy two get one free. I couldn't figure out how to get the free one, so I called them and the woman who answered my calls was so helpful she found the order before it shipped and gave me my free item. That's almost unheard of when you order something that they would help me out like that. I couldn't be happier.

Je porte vos bracelets pour les bienfaits. Je contrôle ma douleur d'arthrose dans mes jointures. Je n'arrivais plus à retrouver ces bracelets dans aucune pharmacie. Je commande donc directement chez vous maintenant.

Pyramide en orgonite, améthyste et quartz

wow wow wow elle est tellement belle et douce pour le regard elle fais du bien a regarder

Bon achat!

Je les porte pour le look et les bienfaits. Je les ai choisis un peu grand mais je les porte quand même et je les aime beaucoup! Le noisetier est un de mes arbustes préférés!


Je l'ai commandé par erreur ,car il c'est un modèle très joli, mais pour enfant,
alors voilà ,il ne plait mais est trop petit,je n'ai pas d'enfant a qui le donner


Depuis que je le porte je me sent apaiser calme et ma montre arrête de m’envoyer des alertes de stress de prendre un temps pour respirer et j’ai pratiquement plus les symptômes qui vont avec tout le stress même mon entourage à vie une différence notable et mon demander de qui avait changer la seul chose les bracelets car des situations stressante angoissante je continue dans vivre et j’arrive à Mieu les gérer sans que tout les émotion m’envahissent à telle point que je ne peut plus fonctionner

X61 | ANXIETY 6mm Bracelet Set
Solange Roger-Choquette
Bracelet Anxiété ensemble

Super de bons produits efficace en plus je suis très heureuse de mon achat Merci!

Je suis trait satisfaite

32 | Green Jade
Sylvie nade

Très bo produit

amazing product

I noticed that when wearing my moonstone bracelet, my hotflashes aren't as bad as usual. I love that I can now function throughout the day with minimal hotflashes.

Douceur pour les dents

Il fut très pratique pour la poussée dentaire de ma fille!!!

Can't live without them

My son can't seem to live without these necklaces. We have been buying them for over a year now after a nurse friend recommended them to help with my son's eczema. If he takes them off for more than a day, his eczema flares up really badly! So glad we found these!

Great Health Bracelets.

The items I ordered are great and notice they do help. Me and my wife were them them daily and only take them out we take shower or bath or we have to go for a swim. Ordering them online was easy and the inventory items in the website are easy to navigate and go to the items you want to order. Nice website design.

Z07 | LIBRA | Lapis-Lazuli
Helene Cousineau

Super bracelets!


Very happy with my stone bracelet. Good quality and fits perfectly.


I love my Pure Hazelwood jewelry. Very pretty and fashionable.

D51 | Hazel wood & tiger eye big diffuser


Zen.. I chose 2 of them as gifts and they love them too.. appeases the mind.

A good product

I noticed that when wearing my moonstone bracelet that my hotflashes aren't as bad as usual. I love that I can no function throughout the day with minimal hotflashes.

Turtle Bracelet Duo

First starting buying necklaces from Pur Noisetier 14 years ago when I found out it helps with headaches, and I fell in love with all of their products. I buy for friends & family for gifts to introduce them to your wonderful healing properties the Hazelwood and stones have for everyone. I love the bracelets the most as they are very fashionable along with their healing properties.

32 | Green Jade
Jackie Segouin
Green Jade

I absolutely Love my Green Jade triple bracelet set. Looks beautiful, and I love that Jade brings positive energy to me and self confidence.

Green Jade

I absolutely Love my Green Jade Necklace. Looks beautiful, and I love that Jade brings positive energy to me and self confidence.